TDMDescription=The goal is to kill or arrest as many members of the opposite team as possible. Kills are worth 1 point, arrests are worth 5 points.||The first team to reach the score limit wins. If the time limit is reached, the team with the most points at the end of the round wins.
TDMFriendlyName=Barricaded Suspects
VIPDescription=One player on the SWAT team is randomly chosen to be the VIP. SWAT must escort the VIP to the escape point on the other side of the map. The suspects must capture the VIP. They must then hold him hostage for 2 minutes. SWAT players can use the toolkit to release the VIP. After the two minutes are up, the suspects must assassinate the VIP to win the game.||SWAT wins if the VIP escapes, or if the suspects kill the VIP before capturing and holding him.
VIPFriendlyName=VIP Escort
BombDescription=Three to five bombs are randomly spawned in the map. SWAT must use the toolkit to defuse all of the bombs before the round ends. The Suspects must defend the bombs and prevent them from being disabled. Once all of the bombs are defused SWAT wins. If the round timer expires while a bomb is still active, the Suspects win.
BombFriendlyName=Rapid Deployment
COOPDescription=Play single player missions with a group of up to five officers.
MPSuspectsWinMessage=When the time comes, streets will see a new law formed under the shadow of devil..Suspects have won this one!
MPSWATWinMessage=Corruption is a disease and corrupted must me eliminated.. SWAT is the winner!
MPTieMessage=When fools play the game, it always ends neither way.